# Finds the owners of files on the share, finds their size, and prints them to globalowners.txt # 7/27/01 # Prints [owner][file][file size (KB)][acess time code][last file access][modify time code][last modified date] # To effectively sort times, sort by the timecodes. # Import the text file to excel for best results use strict; use Win32::Perms; use File::Find; my $dir1='//server/share'; open OUT, ">shareowners.txt"; print OUT "Owner\tFile\tSize(KB)\tAccessTimeCode\tLast Accessed\tModifyTimeCode\tLast Modified\n"; find ({wanted => \&wanted, no_chdir=>1}, $dir1); close OUT; sub wanted { if (-f){ my $File = new Win32::Perms("$_")||die; my $Own=$File->Owner(); my @stat=stat; my $kbytes = $stat[7]/1024; my $access = localtime($stat[8]); my $modify = localtime($stat[9]); print OUT "$Own\t$\$_\t$kbytes\t$stat[8]\t$access\t$stat[9]\t$modify\n"; } }