#!/usr/bin/perl use FileHandle; use strict; use Data::Dumper; use DBI; my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=postfix;host=xxxxx", "xxxx", "xxxx") or die; my $debug = 1; use vars qw($line); ################################################################### # Main Script # First, lets collect the data, then we'll process it # open LOGFILE, ">>/var/log/dgmtest"; autoflush LOGFILE 1; while (1) { $_ = <>; $line = $_; if (/postfix\S+ reject: RCPT from (\S+) (530|554|450) (\S+): (.*) from=<(.*?)> to=<(.*?)>/) { my ($from, $to, $message, $o, $t, $th) = (lc($5),lc($6),$4, $1, $2, $3); #print "Blocked message from: $from to: $to because: $message\n"; $message = ($message =~ /www.ordb.org/ ? "ORDB" : $message); $message = ($message =~ /www.spamcop.net/ ? "SPAMCOP" : $message); $message = ($message =~ /dun.dnsrbl.net/ ? "DUNDNSRBL" : $message); $message = ($message =~ /spam.dnsrbl.net/ ? "SPAMDNSRBL" : $message); $message = ($message =~ /Cannot find your hostname/ ? "RDNS" : $message); $message = ($message =~ /relays.osirusoft.com/ ? "OSFT" : $message); $message = ($message =~ /Relay access denied/ ? "RELAYDENIED" : $message); $message = ($message =~ /Recipient address rejected: Access denied/ ? "BLACKLIST" : $message); $message = ($message =~ /china.blackholes.us/ ? "CHINA" : $message); $message = ($message =~ /cn-kr.blackholes.us/ ? "KOREA" : $message); $message = ($message =~ /argentina.blackholes.us/ ? "ARGENTINA" : $message); $message = ($message =~ /brazil.blackholes.us/ ? "BRAZIL" : $message); $message = ($message =~ /blackholes.easynet.nl/ ? "EASYNET" : $message); $message = ($message =~ /opm.blitzed.org/ ? "BLITZED" : $message); $message = ($message =~ /trustic.com/ ? "TRUSTIC" : $message); # some ID-10T is trying to spam through us as if we were an open relay. Let's not count them. if ($message =~ /RELAYDENIED/ and $from =~ /(blvelasq|douglasl|meinsen|ecr)/) { print LOGFILE "dropping relay from $o, $from to $to\n"; next; } my $result = Check($to, $from); $result ? Update($result, 1, $message) : Insert($to,$from,$message,1); UpdateStats($to, $message); print LOGFILE $_; } elsif (/bouncer postfix\S+ reject: /) { print LOGFILE $_; } } END { print "dying"; print LOGFILE scalar localtime() ." screport.pl ending. Last Line: $line\n"; close LOGFILE; } sub Check($$) { my ($rcpt, $from) = @_; my $id; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id from per_user_errors WHERE rcpt=? AND sender=?") or die $dbh->errstr; #$rcpt = $dbh->quote($rcpt); #$from = $dbh->quote($from); $sth->execute($rcpt, $from); ($id) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish(); return $id; } sub Insert ($$$$) { my ($rcpt, $from, $why, $count) = @_; if ($debug) { print "INSERT INTO per_user_errors VALUES ('','$rcpt','$from','$why','$count',CURRENT_DATE)\n"; return; } my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO per_user_errors VALUES ('','$rcpt','$from','$why','$count',CURRENT_DATE)"); $sth->execute() or die $dbh->errstr; $sth->finish(); } sub Update ($$$) { my ($id, $count, $why) = @_; if ($debug) { print "UPDATE per_user_errors SET tries=tries+$count, tstamp=CURRENT_DATE, method='$why' WHERE id=$id\n"; return; } my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE per_user_errors SET tries=tries+$count, tstamp=CURRENT_DATE WHERE id=$id"); #print ("UPDATE per_user_errors SET tries=tries+$count, tstamp=CURRENT_DATE WHERE id=$id"); $sth->execute() or die $dbh->errstr; $sth->finish(); } sub UpdateStats($$) { my ($address, $type) = @_; return if $type !~ /RDNS|SPAMCOP|OSFT|ORDB|BLACKLIST|DUNSDNSRBL|SPAMDNSRBL/; #Check for entry my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id FROM control_stats WHERE address=? AND type=?"); my $numrows = $sth->execute($address, $type); $sth->finish(); #insert or update if ($numrows == 0) { #INSERT $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO control_stats VALUES ('',?,?,1)"); } else { #UPDATE $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE control_stats set count=count+1 WHERE address=? AND type=?"); } $sth->execute($address,$type); $sth->finish(); #update global stats $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE control_stats set count=count+1 WHERE address='system' AND type=? OR type='total'"); $sth->execute($type); $sth->finish(); } #sample error message #Jul 3 11:19:00 bouncer postfix/smtpd[14071]: reject: RCPT from unknown[]: 530 : Recipient address rejected: Cannot find your hostname, []. Ask your system manager to fix your reverse domain name registration. If you are sending spam, go away. ; from= to= #Jan 15 19:52:29 staypuft postfix/smtpd[8530]: reject: RCPT from pp2.dailyprmo1.com[]: 554 : Recipient address rejected: Service unavailable; [] blocked by relays.osirusoft.com. See http://relays.osirusoft.com for details. ]; from= to=