# https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20123365 clear echo "Hello there. I'm a computer. What's your name?" read G echo "Hello $G. You are welcome to computer land." while true do echo "" echo "What would you like to do today?" echo "1) Say something random" echo "2) Make a maze" echo "3) Exit" echo "Enter your selection" read S if [ "$S" = "1" ]; then echo $( head -n $((7*RANDOM)) /usr/share/dict/words | tail -n 1 ) elif [ "$S" = "2" ]; then for i in {1..3000}; do if (($RANDOM>16384)); then printf '/'; else printf '\'; fi done elif [ "$S" = "3" ]; then echo "Bye." exit else echo "Try again." fi done