#!/usr/bin/perl use 5.24.0; use strict; use warnings; use Parallel::ForkManager; use DBI ':sql_types'; use DBD::Pg qw/:pg_types/; # connect to Postgres DB my $DSN = 'DBI:Pg:dbname=db_test'; my $userid = "postgres"; my $sesame = "opensesame"; my $dbh = DBI->connect($DSN, $userid, $sesame, { AutoCommit => 1, RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 1 }) or die "Connection failed!\n" . $DBI::errstr; my %columns; # hash for persistent column array id mapping $columns{field1} = 0; $columns{field2} = 1; $columns{field3} = 2; $columns{field4} = 3; my @columns; # deterministic - $values[$columns{$column}]; $columns[0] = 'field1'; $columns[1] = 'field2'; $columns[2] = 'field3'; $columns[3] = 'field4'; my $placeholders = join(", ", map { '?' } @columns); # Build the SQL SELECT statement my $sql_select = qq(SELECT count(*) FROM mytable WHERE field1 = ?;); # PREPARE the SELECT statement 'template' handle my $sth_select = $dbh->prepare_cached($sql_select); # Build the SQL INSERT statement my $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO mytable (" . join(", ", @columns) # column names . ") VALUES ($placeholders)"; # PREPARE the INSERT statement 'template' handle my $sth_insert = $dbh->prepare_cached($sql_insert); # create array for child threads/processes my @children; $children[0] = 'child1'; $children[1] = 'child2'; $children[2] = 'child3'; $children[3] = 'child4'; main(); # close template statement handles and disconnect from db $sth_select->finish(); $sth_insert->finish(); $dbh->disconnect; exit; #------------------ main { # create Parallel::ForkManager object for MAX_PROCESSES my $parallel = Parallel::ForkManager->new(4); $parallel->run_on_start(sub{ my ($pid,$ident) = @_; print "Starting $ident under process id $pid\n"; }); $parallel->run_on_finish(sub{ my ($pid, $exit_code, $ident, $exit_signal, $core_dump, $data_structure_reference) = @_; }); print "Running $child_count threads.\n"; my $thread_count = 0; NEWPROCESS: for my $child (@children) { $thread_count++; print "Thread $thread_count running for $child\n"; # fork parallel threads - per child $parallel->start($child) and next NEWPROCESS; if ($child =~ m/child1/i) { my $sth_select_child1 = $sth_select; # can I do this? my $sth_insert_child1 = $sth_insert; # or is it sinful? # ... get and prepare data for db # ... check db for existing rows with $sth_select_child1 # ... if not exist then insert with $sth_insert_child1 $sth_select_child1->finish(); $sth_insert_child1->finish(); } elsif ($child =~ m/child2/i) { my $sth_select_child2 = $sth_select; my $sth_insert_child2 = $sth_insert; # ... get and prepare data for db # ... check db for existing rows with $sth_select_child2 # ... if not exist then insert with $sth_insert_child2 $sth_select_child2->finish(); $sth_insert_child2->finish(); } elsif ($child =~ m/child3/i) { my $sth_select_child3 = $sth_select; my $sth_insert_child3 = $sth_insert; # ... get and prepare data for db # ... check db for existing rows with $sth_select_child3 # ... if not exist then insert with $sth_insert_child3 $sth_select_child3->finish(); $sth_insert_child3->finish(); } elsif ($child =~ m/child4/i) { my $sth_select_child4 = $sth_select; my $sth_insert_child4 = $sth_insert; # ... get and prepare data for db # ... check db for existing rows with $sth_select_child4 # ... if not exist then insert with $sth_insert_child4 $sth_select_child4->finish(); $sth_insert_child4->finish(); } print "\$parallel->finish on child $child\n"; $parallel->finish(0); } print "\$parallel->wait_all_children() is waiting...\n"; $parallel->wait_all_children(); } # main