#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my ($listen_host, $listen_port, $connect_host, $connect_port) = @ARGV; die 'Missing parameters' unless $listen_host && $listen_port && $connect_host && $connect_port; use IO::Handle; use IO::Select; use IO::Socket::INET; my %connections; my %reverse_in; my %reverse_ou; my $conn_id = 0; my $main_connection = IO::Socket::INET->new ( Listen => 100, LocalHost => $listen_host, LocalPort => $listen_port, Blocking => 0 ) or die $!; my $select_r = IO::Select->new($main_connection); my $select_w = IO::Select->new; while (1) { my ($read, $write) = IO::Select->select($select_r, $select_w, undef, 100) or warn "error in select: ".$!; foreach my $conn (@{$read}) { if ($conn == $main_connection) { accept_new_connection($conn); } else { # this is a regular connection read_data($conn); } } foreach my $conn (@{$write}) { write_data($conn); } } sub accept_new_connection { my $conn = shift; my $incoming = $conn->accept; my $outgoing = IO::Socket::INET->new ( PeerHost => $connect_host, PeerPort => $connect_port, Blocking => 0 ); $outgoing->blocking(0); $incoming->blocking(0); my $id = $conn_id++; $connections{$id} = { incoming => $incoming, outgoing => $outgoing, in_bf => '', ou_bf => '', id => $id }; $reverse_in{$incoming} = $id; $reverse_ou{$outgoing} = $id; # now we add the $incoming and $outgoing as read, and only # modify it if some data comes in. $select_r->add($incoming); $select_r->add($outgoing); } sub read_data { use bytes; my $conn = shift; my ($type, $id); if (exists $reverse_in{$conn}) { $type = 'in'; $id = $reverse_in{$conn}; } elsif (exists $reverse_ou{$conn}) { $type = 'ou'; $id = $reverse_ou{$conn}; } my $data = $connections{$id}; if (!$conn->connected) { eval { remove_connection($data); }; return; } my $buf; my $read = sysread $conn, $buf, 4096; if (!$read) { remove_connection($data); return; } $data->{$type.'_bf'} .= $buf; if ($type eq 'in') { $select_w->add($data->{outgoing}); } else { $select_w->add($data->{incoming}); } } sub write_data { use bytes; my $conn = shift; my ($type, $id); if (exists $reverse_in{$conn}) { $type = 'ou'; $id = $reverse_in{$conn}; } elsif (exists $reverse_ou{$conn}) { $type = 'in'; $id = $reverse_ou{$conn}; } my $data = $connections{$id}; if (!$conn->connected) { eval { remove_connection($data); }; return; } my $buf = $data->{$type.'_bf'}; my $wrote = syswrite $conn, $buf, length($buf); substr($data->{$type.'_bf'}, 0, $wrote, ''); $select_w->remove($conn) unless $data->{$type.'_bf'}; } sub remove_connection { my $data = shift; $select_r->remove($data->{incoming}, $data->{outgoing}); $select_w->remove($data->{incoming}, $data->{outgoing}); delete $reverse_in{$data->{incoming}}; delete $reverse_ou{$data->{outgoing}}; $data->{incoming}->close; $data->{outgoing}->close; delete $connections{$data->{id}}; }