#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Net::FTP; my $srcHost = ''; my $dstHost = ''; my $path = ''; my @getFiles = (); my @putFiles = (); #connect to your source machine first my $ftp = Net::FTP->new($srcHost, Timeout => 1800) or die "Cannot contact $srcHost: $!"; $ftp->login('username', 'password') or die "Cannot login ($srcHost):" . $ftp->message; $ftp->cwd($path) or die "Cannot change directory ($srcHost):" . $ftp->message; #then get the list of all files @getFiles = $ftp->ls('-lR'); foreach my $file (@getFiles){ #do whatever it is you're doing to decide if you want the file or not if(&SOME_FILE_TEST($file)){ #get the file and save the name if($ftp->get($file)){ push(@putFiles, $file); }else{ warn $ftp->message; } } } unless($ftp->quit){ undef $ftp; warn "Could not close the connection cleanly: $!"; } #now you need to connect to the destination server $ftp = Net::FTP->new($dstHost, Timeout => 1800) or die "Cannot contact $dstHost: $!"; $ftp->login('username', 'password') or die "Cannot login ($dstHost):" . $ftp->message; $ftp->cwd($path) or die "Cannot change directory ($dstHost):" . $ftp->message; foreach my $file (@putFiles){ unless($ftp->put($file)){ warn "Failed to put $file: " . $ftp->message; } } $ftp->quit or die "Could not close the connection cleanly: $!"; sub SOME_FILE_TEST{ #do whatever you want here return 1; }