use List::Util 'sum'; sub partition { my @block_size = sort { $a <=> $b } @{ shift(@_) }; my @items = @_; @items == sum @block_size or die "Combined size of blocks must equal the number of items"; my @rg; return sub { if ( !@rg ) { @rg = map { ($_) x $block_size[$_] } 0 .. $#block_size; } elsif ( ! next_rg_perm(\@rg) ) { next_permute(\@block_size) or return; @rg = map { ($_) x $block_size[$_] } 0 .. $#block_size; } ## uncomment this to see the internal state: ## print "@block_size / @rg\n"; my @return; push @{ $return[ $rg[$_] ] }, $items[$_] for 0 .. $#items; return @return; }; } ## to obtain lexicographically next RG string, look for the rightmost ## position where we have an appropriate candidate available. the ## candidate is smallest number to the right of our current position ## such that: ## - candidate is larger than our current position ## - candidate is not >=2 larger than everything to the left ## (restricted growth property) sub next_rg_perm { my $vals = shift; my ($candidate, @avail); my $i = @$vals; while (--$i) { ($candidate) = grep defined, @avail[ $vals->[$i]+1 .. $#avail ]; last if defined $candidate and grep { $_ >= $vals->[$candidate]-1 } @$vals[0..$i-1]; $avail[ $vals->[$i] ] = $i; } return if $i == 0; @$vals[$i, $candidate] = @$vals[$candidate, $i]; @$vals[$i+1 .. $#$vals] = sort { $a <=> $b } @$vals[$i+1 .. $#$vals]; return 1; } ## stolen ... er, adapted from tye: sub next_permute { my $vals = shift; return if @$vals < 2; ## find rightmost position where the sequence increases my $i = $#$vals - 1; $i-- until $i < 0 or $vals->[$i] < $vals->[$i+1]; return if $i < 0; ## reverse everything to the right (now it's in increasing order) @$vals[ $i+1 .. $#$vals ] = reverse @$vals[ $i+1 .. $#$vals ]; ## move right to find the first number that's larger, which we ## will swap with position i my $j = $i+1; $j++ until $vals->[$i] < $vals->[$j]; @$vals[$i,$j] = @$vals[$j,$i]; return 1; }