#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use [METAMOD://List::MoreUtils] qw/ uniq /; my %GATE; my %LINK; while(){ chomp; my $gate_DATA = $_; if (defined($gate_DATA) && ($gate_DATA =~ /(.*)\s+(.*)\s+\(\s*(.*)\s*,\s*(.*)\s*,\s*(.*)\s*\);/) && ($gate_DATA !~ /module/) ){ # $gate_type = $1; # $gate_name = $2; $output_gate = $3; $input_A = $4; $input_B = $5; die "Line $.: FATAL Redefinition of gate $gate_DATA\n" if(defined $GATE{$gate_type}{$gate_name}); $GATE{$gate_type}{$gate_name} = { 'name' => $gate_name, 'type' => $gate_type, 'out' => $output_gate, 'A' => $input_A, 'B' => $input_B, }; push @{$LINK{'input_A'}{$input_A}}, $GATE{$gate_type}{$gate_name}; push @{$LINK{'input_B'}{$input_B}}, $GATE{$gate_type}{$gate_name}; push @{$LINK{'output'}{$output_gate}}, $GATE{$gate_type}{$gate_name}; } } # uncomment to Show the structure of %GATE # die Dumper(\%GATE); # uncomment to Show the structure of %LINK # die Dumper(\%LINK); # Yeah, %LINK is a hash of a hash of an array of a referenced hash # die Dumper($LINK{'input_A'}{'N11'}[0]->{'A'}); # die Dumper($LINK{'output'}{'N19'}[0]->{'A'}); # loop over input_A and show where it outputs to for my $gate (keys %{$LINK{'input_A'}}){ my @outputs = map { $_->{'out'} } grep { defined $_->{'out'} } @{$LINK{'input_A'}{$gate}}; print "input gate $gate has output @outputs\n"; } # This is how you access the data of one gate: # print $GATE{'nor'}{'NOR2_1'}->{'out'}; # get nand input_A, note the use of uniq to have a unique list (still not sorted, though) my @nand_input_A = uniq map { $GATE{'nand'}{$_}->{'A'} } keys %{$GATE{'nand'}}; # get all input_A for nand, not, and, etc.. my @all_input_A = map { my $g = $_; @_=keys $GATE{$_}; map {$GATE{$g}{$_}->{'A'}} @_ } keys %GATE; # get all input_A for nand, not, and, etc... but this time, use readable perl my @all_input_A_normal; for my $gate_type (keys %GATE){ for my $gate_name (keys %{$GATE{$gate_type}}){ if(defined $GATE{$gate_type}{$gate_name}->{'A'}){ push @all_input_A_normal, $GATE{$gate_type}{$gate_name}->{'A'}; } } } print Dumper(\@all_input_A_normal); __DATA__ nand nand2_1 (N10,N1,N3); nand nand2_2 (N11,N3,N6); nand nand2_3 (N16,N11,N2); nand nand2_4 (N19,N11,N7); nand nand2_5 (N22,N10,N16); nand nand2_6 (N23,N16,N19); nor NOR2_1 (N6875, N6722, N6476);