DBI::db=HASH(0x3709188) trace level set to 0x0/4 (DBI @ 0x0/0) in DBI 1.643-ithread (pid 15588) -> prepare for DBD::Oracle::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x3709278)~0x3709188 'SELECT * FROM ( SELECT pd.report_part_nbr, idf.shipped_qty, COUNT(pd.report_part_nbr) as count_at_qty FROM ida_main.invoice_detail_fact idf JOIN ida_main.part_dim pd ON pd.part_dim_id = idf.part_dim_id JOIN rdb_main.in_part_header_rec iphr ON iphr.part_id = pd.part_id WHERE idf.invoiced_date BETWEEN '01-JAN-2019' AND '31-DEC-2019' AND idf.data_governance_ind = 'T' AND idf.shipped_qty > 0 AND pd.pack_qty > idf.shipped_qty AND pd.pack_type_code IN ('BULK', 'TUBE') AND pd.active_ind = 'T' AND iphr.flag_non_stock = 'F' GROUP BY pd.report_part_nbr, idf.shipped_qty ORDER BY count_at_qty DESC ) WHERE ROWNUM <= 10000 ') thr#27c6fe8 dbd_st_prepare'd sql SELECT ( auto_lob1, check_sql1) dbd_describe SELECT (EXPLICIT, lb 80)... Describe col #1 type=1(VARCHAR) Described col 1: dbtype 1(VARCHAR), scale 0, prec 200, nullok 1, name REPORT_PART_NBR : dbsize 200, char_used 1, char_size 50, csid 873, csform 1(SQLCS_IMPLICIT), disize 200 fbh 1: 'REPORT_PART_NBR' NULLable, otype 1-> 5, dbsize 200/201, p200.s0 Describe col #2 type=2(NVARCHAR2) Described col 2: dbtype 2(NVARCHAR2), scale 0, prec 10, nullok 0, name SHIPPED_QTY : dbsize 22, char_used 0, char_size 0, csid 0, csform 0(0), disize 171 fbh 2: 'SHIPPED_QTY' NO null , otype 2-> 5, dbsize 22/172, p10.s0 Describe col #3 type=2(NVARCHAR2) Described col 3: dbtype 2(NVARCHAR2), scale -127, prec 0, nullok 1, name COUNT_AT_QTY : dbsize 22, char_used 0, char_size 0, csid 0, csform 0(0), disize 171 fbh 3: 'COUNT_AT_QTY' NULLable, otype 2-> 5, dbsize 22/172, p0.s-127 cache settings DB Handle RowCacheSize=0,Statement Handle RowCacheSize=0, OCI_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS=111, OCI_ATTR_PREFETCH_MEMORY=0, Rows per Fetch=111, Multiple Row Fetch=On calling OCIAttrSet OCI_ATTR_CHARSET_FORM with csform=1 (SQLCS_IMPLICIT) dbd_describe'd 3 columns (row bytes: 244 max, 108 est avg, cache: 0) <- prepare= ( DBI::st=HASH(0x370e990) ) [1 items] at prepack_data.pl line 105 -> execute for DBD::Oracle::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x370e990)~0x3709260) thr#27c6fe8 dbd_st_execute SELECT (out0, lob0)... Statement Execute Mode is 0 (DEFAULT) rs_array_init:imp_sth->rs_array_size=111, rs_array_idx=0, prefetch_rows=0, rs_array_status=SUCCESS dbd_st_execute SELECT returned (SUCCESS, rpc0, fn4, out0) <- execute= ( '0E0' ) [1 items] at prepack_data.pl line 107 -> fetchrow_hashref in DBD::_::st for DBD::Oracle::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x370e990)~0x3709260) thr#27c6fe8 1 -> FETCH for DBD::Oracle::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x3709260)~INNER 'NAME') thr#27c6fe8 1 <- FETCH= ( [ 'REPORT_PART_NBR' 'SHIPPED_QTY' 'COUNT_AT_QTY' ] ) [1 items] at prepack_data.pl line 123 1 -> fetch for DBD::Oracle::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x3709260)~INNER) thr#27c6fe8 dbd_st_fetch 3 fields... ...Fetched 111 rows dbd_st_fetched 3 fields with status of 0(SUCCESS) field #1 with rc=0(OK) field #2 with rc=0(OK) field #3 with rc=0(OK)