#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; #use Data::Dumper; my $Port = 8080; my $Highlight = 1; #---------------------------------------------------------- my $Pre = $Highlight? '' : ''; my $Post = $Highlight? '' : ''; my @Typos = (); open(TYPO, "$ENV{HOME}/.typo") and do { @Typos = (); while () { chomp; my ($wrong, $right) = split /\t+/; next if not $right; next if length($wrong) < 2; push(@Typos, [ $wrong, $right ]); push(@Typos, [ ucfirst($wrong), ucfirst($right) ]) if ucfirst($wrong) ne $wrong; } close(TYPO); }; die "No typos loaded from ~/.typo.\n" if not @Typos; print STDERR "$0: ", scalar @Typos, " typos filtered on port $Port.\n"; # Longer corrections first. @Typos = map { $_->[1] } sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] } map { [ length($_->[0]), $_ ] } @Typos; # Spaces are lenient. $_->[0] =~ s/ \s+ /\\s+/gx foreach @Typos; # Precompile the correction patterns. $_->[0] = qr/ (?] ) \b ( $_->[0] ) \b/x foreach @Typos; #print Dumper $Typos[0], $Typos[-1]; #---------------------------------------------------------- use HTTP::Proxy; my $proxy = HTTP::Proxy->new(port => $Port); $proxy->push_body_filter( response => \&typo_filter ); $proxy->start(); #---------------------------------------------------------- sub typo_filter { foreach (@Typos) { ${$_[0]} =~ s|$_->[0]|$Pre$_->[1]$Post|g; } }