#!/usr/bin/perl -- use strict; use warnings; use HTML::TreeBuilder; Main(@ARGV); exit(0); sub Main { if (@_) { PumpDump(@_); #~ PumpDump('', qw/look_down criteria/ ); #~ PumpDump('file', qw/look_down criteria/ ); } else { print "Usage: $0 file _tag div\n\n"; print "Demo1\n"; Demo1(); print "Demo1\n"; Demo3(); } ## end else [ if (@_) ] } ## end sub Main sub Demo1 { my $html = <<'__HTML__';
key1 val1
key2 val2
key3 val3
key4 val4
key5 val5
key6 val6
key7 val7
key8 val8
key9 val9
key10 val10
key11 val11
__HTML__ PumpDump( $html, _tag => qr/table|strong/i ); } ## end sub Demo1 sub Demo3 { my $html = <<'__HTML__'; educa.ch
Adresse - Schulen in der SchweizDruckenSchliessen
Altes Schulhaus Ossingen
Guntibachstrasse 10
8475  Ossingen
Tel:052 317 15 45
Fax:052 317 04 42
__HTML__ PumpDump( $html, _tag => qr/div/i ); } ## end sub Demo3 sub HTML::Element::addressx { return join( '/', '', # // ROOT reverse( # so it starts at the top map { my $count = 0; my $t = $_->tag; ## LEFT CAN BE A STRING my @left = $_->left; for my $left (@left) { eval { $count++ if $left->tag eq $t }; } if ( $count > 1 ) { $count = "[$count]"; } else { $count = ''; } $t . $count } $_[0], # self and... $_[0]->lineage ) ); } ## end sub HTML::Element::addressx sub HTML::Element::addressxx { my (@stuff) = ( map { my $count = 0; my $t = $_->tag; ## LEFT CAN BE A STRING my @left = $_->left; for my $left (@left) { eval { $count++ if $left->tag eq $t }; } if ( my $attid = $_->attr('id') ) { $count = "[\@id='$attid']"; } elsif ( $count > 1 ) { $count = "[$count]"; } else { $count = ''; } $t . $count } $_[0], # self and... $_[0]->lineage ); #~ use DDS; print Dump(\@stuff),"\n"; use List::MoreUtils qw[ before_incl ]; my $stuff = @stuff; @stuff = before_incl { /\[\@id/i } @stuff; return join( '/', ( $stuff > @stuff ? '/' : '' ), reverse( # so it starts at the top @stuff ) ); } ## end sub HTML::Element::addressxx sub HTML::Element::addressxX { my (@stuff) = ( map { my $e = $_; my $count = 0; my $t = $e->tag; my @left = $e->left; for my $left (@left) { eval { $count++ if $left->tag eq $t }; } if ( my $attid = $e->id ) { $count = "[\@id='$attid']"; } elsif ( my @att = grep !/^id$/, $e->all_external_attr_names ) { $count = '[' . join( ' and ', map { sprintf q!@%s='%s'!, $_, $e->attr($_) } @att ) . ']'; } elsif ( $count > 1 ) { $count = "[$count]"; } else { $count = ''; } $t . $count } $_[0], # self and... $_[0]->lineage ); #~ use DDS; print Dump(\@stuff),"\n"; my $stuff = @stuff; use List::MoreUtils qw[ before_incl ]; @stuff = before_incl { /\[\@id/i } @stuff; return join( '/', ( $stuff > @stuff ? '/' : '' ), reverse( # so it starts at the top @stuff ) ); } ## end sub HTML::Element::addressxX sub PumpDump { my ( $html, @lookdown ) = @_; my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new(); if ( $html =~ /parse($html); } else { $tree->parse_file($html); } $tree->eof; for my $td ( $tree->look_down(@lookdown) ) { my $text = $td->as_trimmed_text; next if $text =~ /^\p{Zs}*$/; ## ysth, nbsp isn't \s print $td, "\t", $td->address, "\n"; print $text, "\n"; print $td->addressx, "\n"; print $td->addressxx, "\n"; print $td->addressxX, "\n"; print '-' x 66, "\n"; } ## end for my $td ( $tree->look_down...) $tree->delete; undef $tree; print '#' x 66, "\n\n"; } ## end sub PumpDump __END__