use 5.006; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; # See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence # the contents of the Makefile that is written. WriteMakefile( 'NAME' => 'Handler::Upload', 'VERSION_FROM' => '', 'PREREQ_PM' => { mod_perl => 1.29, Apache::Request => 1.3}, 'ABSTRACT' => 'Upload handler for mod_perl', 'AUTHOR' => 'frank ' ); sub MY::test { if ( eval "require Apache::TestMM" ){ Apache::TestMM::generate_script('t/TEST'); Apache::TestMM->clean; return Apache::TestMM->test; } return <<"EOF"; test:: \t\@echo This test suite requires Apache::Test \t\@echo availible from the http-test distribution EOF }