package ip_parser; use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use Carp; use Getopt::Declare; my $my_name = ''; # $0 is user of this package, in demo our $VERSION = 0.50; my $parser_args_format =<_tb_Version of the application that requires its args to be parsed arg_file = _tb_File of arguments to configure the runtime of the application. Optional, and values in this file can be over-ridden by explicit command line assignments ip_str = _tb_Name of the C data structure that needs to be filled with the parsed arguments (required) [ required ] h_file = _tb_File that contains the definition of the structure __ip_str (required) [ required ] io_file = _tb_Binary file of the default contents of the structure __ip_str. When the perl script that parsers the arguments for the C/C++ application ends, this file will have the parsed values assigned to the fields of the structure. (required) [ required ] -pv _tb_Show this parser's version { print "\n\t$0 of version ", get_callers_version(), " using $my_name of version $VERSION\n\n"; exit; } -pversion _tb_[ditto] --pversion _tb_[ditto] -pV _tb_[ditto] # version must be over-ridden since the user is asking # for the version of the application (and not that of # either of the two parsers) # Unfortunately, usage summary ends up with incorrect info # regarding how to request for the version if we do not # over-ride all variants of such request -v _tb_Show the application's version { asked_for_version(); } -version _tb_[ditto] -Version _tb_[ditto] -VERSION _tb_[ditto] --version _tb_[ditto] --Version _tb_[ditto] --VERSION _tb_[ditto] -V _tb_[ditto] # help must be over-ridden since usage information # must not come from this parser but must come from # the second parser # Unfortunately, usage summary ends up with incorrect info # regarding how to request help if we do not over-ride # all variants of such request -h _tb_Show application's usage information { asked_for_help(); } -help _tb_[ditto] -Help _tb_[ditto] -HELP _tb_[ditto] --help _tb_[ditto] --Help _tb_[ditto] # there is some bug that requires that at least one # default method of asking for help be available # If this is not made available, the call to \$self->usage(0) # in the second parser ends up showing the help for the # first parser! # --HELP _tb_[ditto] -H _tb_[ditto] -usage _tb_[ditto] --usage _tb_[ditto] Optionally, more arguments (see help) SPEC_FOR_ARGS_FROM_APP_TO_PARSER my $callers_version = 'unknown'; # caller in demo is my $app_version = 'unknown'; # app in demo is my $help = 0; my $version = 0; $parser_args_format =~ s/_tb_/\t/g; my %parsing_context = (); my $arg_file = ''; my $cfg_file = ''; sub parser_init { $callers_version = shift; my $app_args_format = shift; # Use of [-BUILD] would result in messages from perl, so not being used #my $parser_args = new Getopt::Declare( $parser_args_format, [-BUILD] ) or croak "unable to build parser's parser"; #my $app_args = new Getopt::Declare( $app_args_format, [-BUILD] ) or croak "unable to build app's parser"; #$parser_args->parse() or croak "unable to parse parser's arguments"; my $parser_args = new Getopt::Declare( $parser_args_format ) or croak "unable to parse parser's arguments"; # Set up for handling any request by the user for help or version info on the application $help and push @ARGV, '-h'; $version and push @ARGV, '-version'; $parser_args->{ 'app_version' } and $app_version = $parser_args->{ 'app_version' }{ '' }; $version and print"\n\tApp's version: $app_version\n\n" and exit( 2 ); $parsing_context{ arg_file } = $parser_args->{ 'arg_file' }{ '' }; read_arg_file( \%parsing_context ); $parsing_context{ ip_str } = $parser_args->{ 'ip_str' }{ '' } or croak "required name of data structure is missing!!!"; $parsing_context{ h_file } = $parser_args->{ 'h_file' }{ '' } or croak "required data structure definition file is missing!!!"; $parsing_context{ io_file } = $parser_args->{ 'io_file' }{ '' } or croak "required io file name is missing!!!"; $parsing_context{ parser_args } = \$parser_args; read_io_file( \%parsing_context ); $app_args_format =~ s/_tb_/\t/g; $parsing_context{ app_args_format } = $app_args_format; return \%parsing_context; } sub show_version { print "\n\tThe application's version: $app_version\n\n"; } sub get_callers_version { return $callers_version; } sub asked_for_help { $help = 1; } sub asked_for_version { $version = 1; } sub read_arg_file { my $pc = shift; my $arg_file = ${$pc}{ arg_file } or return; open( ARG_FILE, "<$arg_file" ) or croak "Can't open $arg_file: $!"; my $users_args = do { local $/; }; close( ARG_FILE ); $users_args =~ s/([^\\])#.*/$1/gm; # bug: un-escaped # in quoted strings $users_args =~ s,\\$/,,gm; # concatination $users_args =~ s/^\s*//gm; my @foo = split "\n", $users_args; # use $/ rather than \n? ${$pc}{ users_args } = \@foo; } sub get_arguments { my @foo = (); defined @{$parsing_context{ default_args }} and @{$parsing_context{ default_args }} and push @foo, @{$parsing_context{ default_args }}; defined @{$parsing_context{ users_args }} and @{$parsing_context{ users_args }} and push @foo, @{$parsing_context{ users_args }}; @ARGV and push @foo, @ARGV; @ARGV = @foo; my $app_args = new Getopt::Declare( $parsing_context{ app_args_format } ) or croak "unable to parse apps's arguments"; $help and $app_args->usage( 0 ); $parsing_context{ app_args } = \$app_args; return \%parsing_context; } use Convert::Binary::C; # reads a binary file containing the default values sub read_io_file { my $pc = shift; my $ip_str = ${$pc}{ ip_str }; my $h_file = ${$pc}{ h_file }; my $io_file = ${$pc}{ io_file }; open( H_FILE, "<$h_file" ) or croak "Can't open $h_file: $!"; my $h_contents = do { local $/; }; close( H_FILE ); $h_contents =~ m/(^\s*typedef\s+struct\s+_?$ip_str.*?\}\s*$ip_str\s*;\s*)/gsm or croak "couldn't match"; $h_contents = $1; ${$pc}{ h_contents } = $h_contents; my $c = new Convert::Binary::C; $c->parse( $h_contents ); $c->def( $ip_str ) or croak "Unable to find $ip_str in $h_contents\n"; my $ip_size = $c->sizeof($ip_str); open( IO_FILE, "<:raw", $io_file ) or croak "Can't open $io_file: $! for reading"; binmode IO_FILE; my $io_contents=0; my $bytes = read IO_FILE, $io_contents, $ip_size; close( IO_FILE ); croak "Wrong length read ($bytes != expected $ip_size): $! ($^E)" if $bytes != $ip_size; my $ip_val = $c->unpack( $ip_str, $io_contents ); ${$pc}{ ip_val } = $ip_val; } sub write_io_file { my $ip_val = $parsing_context{ ip_val }; my $ip_str = $parsing_context{ ip_str }; my $h_file = $parsing_context{ h_file }; my $io_file = $parsing_context{ io_file }; my $h_contents = $parsing_context{ h_contents }; my $c = new Convert::Binary::C; $c->parse( $h_contents ); $c->def( $ip_str ) or croak "Unable to find $ip_str in $h_contents\n"; my $ip_size = $c->sizeof($ip_str); open(OUT, ">:raw", $io_file) or croak "Unable to open $io_file for writing:$!\n"; binmode OUT; my $data = $c->pack($ip_str, $ip_val); my $bytes = syswrite OUT, $data, $ip_size; croak "Wrong length written ($bytes != expected $ip_size): $! ($^E)" if $bytes != $ip_size; } 1; __END__