package Start; use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use vars qw($body_class $main_class $contents) use Cwd; use CGI qw(); use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use File::Basename qw(fileparse basename dirname); use File::Spec; use Lingua::EN::Inflect qw(PL PL_N PL_V PL_ADJ NO NUM PL_eq PL_N_eq PL_V_eq PL_ADJ_eq A AN PART_PRES ORD NUMWORDS inflect classical def_noun def_verb def_adj def_a def_an); print "content-type: text/html \n\n"; sub Class { my ($class) = @_; print " class=\"$class\""; } sub Heading { my ($level, $text) = @_; print "$text\n"; } #Written with the help of SAS_Spidey01 on #perl on freenode my $cwd = getcwd; my $rootdir = 0; sub get_rootdir { my @dirs = ('/home/lady_aleena/var/www', '/ftp/pub/www/fantasy', 'C:/Documents and Settings/my name/My Documents/fantasy'); my @dir = grep { $_ if $cwd =~ /^$_/ } @dirs; return pop @dir; }; $rootdir = get_rootdir; #This sub written with the help of wfsp on PerlMonks and rindolf on freenode #perl. sub Title { my $filename = basename($0); my $dirname = getcwd; if ($filename ne "") { $filename =~ tr/_/ /; $filename =~ s/.*\/+//; $filename =~ s/\.[^.]*\z//; $filename = ucfirst $filename; return $filename; } elsif ($dirname ne $rootdir) { $dirname =~ tr/_/ /; $dirname =~ s/.*\/+//; $dirname = ucfirst $dirname; return $dirname; } else { return "Lady Aleena's home"; } } print ' '.Title.'
. if ($main_class) { print Class($main_class); } print '>'; Heading(1,Title); #the juicy center print "\n"; 1